Who we are

We are a team of multidisciplinary health care providers working with your business to improve and maximize health and wellness in your work environment.

We deliver our services to your employees at your workplace or in one of our clinics. 

What we do

We take a proactive approach to healthy living in your workplace. We can deliver our services to your workplace as well as our Clinical Facilities located in Toronto and Oakville. We will customize a program based upon your unique needs. We deliver the product to your door. Our therapists and educators will work with your employees in their own environment.

As an example, sitting for extended periods of time and using a computer screen can cause chronic health issues. We can provide simple and effective strategies to offset the effects of the syndromes associated with these activities, so that they never become a problem. We specialize in the treatment and prevention of conditions caused by stress, repetitive use, poor posture, lifestyle choices, fitness and wellness training. 

How we do it

We tailor our offerings to your specific needs.

We will determine the root cause of injury or areas of vulnerability and work with you to correct through treatment and education. Our approach includes empowerment, assessment, and treatment.


We will provide you with the tools to thrive at your workspace. Education and coaching on strategies to maximizing health and preventing injury.



We provide physical assessments to determine individual areas of vulnerability or causes of injury. If you are experiencing lower back pain, neck/shoulder tension or headaches from sitting long hours at your workstation, we can help. Preventative Assessment (Prehab) is a powerful tool in determining areas of weakness or instability to prevent injury.



Our team of therapists will work collaboratively to correct the problem. We are Chiropractors Physiotherapists, Chiropodists, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists and Medical Exercise Specialists, and will provide the correct treatment modality if therapy is required.

Why choose us?


Preventative Health Care pays off for both employees and employers. Statistics show that sick time due to injury alongside sick time due to stress and anxiety are about parallel for short term work absence. However, sick leave for longer term (30 days plus) is double the incidence for time lost due to injury. Both of these scenarios can be minimized through short intervention of education and assessment.

Preventative intervention demonstrated increased performance in various scenarios up to:

  • 30% Reduction in Workers Compensation Claims

  • 28% Less Sick Leave

  • 25% Reduction in Health costs

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA);  US Bureau of Labour Statistics

We put a focus on education—our therapists will coach your team through short 20 minute talks on how to maximize healthy opportunities in the workplace and in personal life. Some sample topics:

  • Correct Computer/Desk Posture

  • Healthy Eating for Maximal Energy

  • Easy Office/Daytime workouts

Find us on Youtube to learn everyday self care and health tips.